Tuesday, February 25, 2020

The Battle is hard!

This beautiful handsome young man is my 15 year old son who has Autism and ADHD. Everyday is a struggle to make the right choices and do the right things. He tries so hard!   Yesterday he was a warrior! He fought a hard battle and he won! He beat temptation! He persevered!

See we homeschool him and this is the right choice for us. He learns best at his speed, and not at the speed of others.  But his everyday battle is with his obsession with electronic entertainment devices. And everyday, we do what is best and lock them in our bedroom while we are at work.  We do that so that he can focus on his schoolwork and not be distracted.  But yesterday...I forgot to lock the door!

The battle was a long hard fought 4 hours! He was so focused on making and doing the right thing that he was frozen and that is all he could do.   But he won!!!   He was finally able to start his schoolwork and overcome the temptation!!

I am so proud of him! So proud of the man he is becoming! So proud of the mature he is starting to show!

It’s hard! This life of Autism and ADHD! But we keep going!

Go buddy boy!!! Momma has your back!  I’m so proud of you!!  I’m your biggest cheerleader and your biggest fan!!  You got this!!

Can you hear what I hear?  Can you hear God saying this to you? Can you see God writing this kind of stuff about you? He does!! He is your biggest cheerleader! He is your biggest fan! He is proud of you even in the midst of the hardest battle that you will ever face! He loves you!
And sometimes, he has to lock up those things that will distract you from him and his purpose until it’s time for you to have them. And when the battle is fought and is won, you get the spoils!

Today, take time to run to God and sit at His feet. Take in all that He wants to tell you. Take in the love and encouragement and forgiveness for when you lost. He still loves you! He will always be  and is still there for you!!

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