Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Day 1

While holding a new life in my arms, a life full of possibilities, hopes and dreams, I start this blog with those same hopes, dreams, and possiblities in mind. I have wanted to do this for weeks now, but the whirlwind of getting this new life into the world has kept me from it. Kamden Reese Bush was born April 7,2010 on my grandmothers 78th birthday. Kam (as we will call him) is my grandson. I have the priveldge, just like my grandmother did with me, to take care of this newborn and help with Mom's recovery because they live with me. I find it very funny the parallels I have with her. My mother lived with my grandparents during her pregnancy and after my birth till I was 4 months old due to my father being in Vietnam during the war. It gaveme a bond with my grandmother like no other. When we moved away from them when I was 6 to Pennsylvania, I had a kids form of grieving from the loss. Up until then, I saw my grandparents everyday because we only lived exactly 1 mile from driveway to driveway from them. I relished every time we got to go back for a visit. I remember crying to see my Nanny, I missed her dearly. I pray that Kam and I have such a bond. I praise god for his life and look forward to the things that He has is store for Kam. Some will be painful, some will be sheer delight, but I know through personal experience that the painful things are there to mold you, teach you things that God wants you to know IF you keep your eyes on Him and ask Him for His lesson in all of it.

That is what this blog will contain. Some painful memories, some delightful ones, but both will be a lesson from Abba God to make me into the woman He wants me to be, to bring into fulfillment the dreams, hopes, and possibilities He has placed in me.

God Bless

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